Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blog Post #12


Our blog post assignment for this week is to create an assignment for a blog post that Dr. Strange should have created. The first part of the blog post assignment that I created includes a video that shows some practical uses for technology in schools.  I am an Elementary Education major, and I really wanted to see how technology is being used in schools close to where I live. I know that technology is being used in schools, but I haven't had the opportunity to see it for myself. I love the use of class blogs, Personal Learning Networks, Podcasts, Skype and the many other technologies that can be used in schools. However, I wanted to see that students can relate these experiences to their real life applications.
The second part of my blog post assignment is just to get us thinking about how we will integrate and use technology in our own future classrooms. I believe we need to be thinking of and planning ways to use technology in our own classrooms. We will likely meet with some opposition from colleagues and management. If we begin thinking about how to integrate technology into our own classrooms and how we might handle possible problems and opposition we will be better prepared.

harrison centralMy Blog Post Assignment
Watch the video A commitment to high tech education and write two or more paragraphs following the outline of a quality blog post. Think about the ways that technology is used in this school, and how the students might find it relevant to their future.

Write an additional paragraph on how you plan to use technology in your own classroom when you become a teacher.

My Blog Post
I like the way the students are using technology in this school. They are able to see how they might use technology in practical situations. I also like that they are able to use the technology to promote activity. They are using it for sports, science experiments, and academics. These activities show that technology in schools is not just about sitting in front of a computer all day. They are nurturing curiosity and creativity. They have found ways to make technology relevant to just about every student.

I believe students need to be able to relate the concepts that they are learning in school to their real life situations. They need to be shown that their time and efforts being spent on school work are going to be valuable to them in more practical situations. As a college student, I also have wondered if some of the things that I have learned in my education courses will be practical. I have worked hard, and I would like to think that I will use most of the knowledge and skills that I have gained.

 How I Plan To Use Technology In My Future Classroom
I am looking forward to using technology, as a teacher. I hope that I will find a job at a school that is interested in using technology. I will definitely make use of a class blog. For elementary students, I would like to use podcast, Skype, Timetoast, and other technology tools.One important tool that I will use is my PLN. I know that their will be many advances in technology, so I will have to keep on learning. I have been thinking about how I will use these tools in my future classroom, and what I will do if I face opposition. I feel like these answers will will become more clear to me after I spend more time in schools.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Stephanie. I really enjoyed the pleasure of reading your blog post 12. The most important thing I loved about this post is that you were very detailed on what you expect for your created blog post assignment. Also, I loved the video for the second part of your created blog post. I am an Elementary Educator major as well. Like me, I love that you have an interest of integrating technology in schools because technology is being used more than in the past in schools.
