Monday, March 5, 2012

C4T # 2 Project #3

Summary of Comments for Teachers # 2

Comment # 1

For my C4T #2, I was assigned to comment on Bill Genereux's Blog. Bill Genereux is an assistant professor at Kansas State University. He teaches courses in Web development,networking, computer programming, and digital media technologies. His most recent blog post was titled Don't Shoot Your Kids Laptop. Basically, Bill did not agree with the actions of the man who shot his daughter's computer for her disrespectful face book post. His argument is that we need to prepare children before we allow them to use any type of social media. According to Bill, we would never allow our children to drive a car without instruction. Therefore, we should also provide them with media literacy because there are also consequences that come from being technologically illiterate. He even made a video, starring his son, where his young son was driving a car without previous instruction. It was rather cute.

My Comment:
Hi, My name is Stephanie Hogue. I am an Elementary Education student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a technology course called EDM 310 with Dr. Strange. As part of my blog assignments, I am supposed to comment on a specified teacher’s blog twice, and then post a summary of the comment on my blog in two weeks. First, I would like to say that I love the video. It is so cute and true. Of course, we wouldn’t let our children drive a car without teaching them how to operate it first. I watched the video where the dad shot his daughter’s laptop for her disrespectful face book post. At first, I was somewhat ambiguous about his response to her post. I was kind of shocked, but I understood that he would be upset. I am a mother of two girls, and I learned a long time ago, to not take everything children do and say personally. I think the praise that he did receive was due to the fact that he did something, rather than nothing. I definitely agree that he could have handled this situation differently. He acted on his emotions and anger, rather than cooling down and teaching his daughter a better way to handle media technology. Your blog post certainly gave me something to think about concerning my six year old. I will be sure to take this parenting opportunity to teach her about media literacy. Thanks for your blog post. It gave me a new point of view on how important it is to teach children about media literacy.

Comment # 2
creative definition

Bill Genereaux's blog is so interesting. It is full of great ideas for teaching. The blog post that I commented on was titled Create Something New With The Daily Create. Bill loves The Daily Create. In Bill's digital media class, they have "Creative Friday" each week. He uses the Daily Create to make short creative assignments for photography. He emphasizes the create in creative photography. Therefore, he does not except past photographs. On this particular assignment, Bill had his students take a picture depicting their favorite kind of weather. Of course, they cannot change the weather, so they had to be creative. Bill put a sneaker in the freezer to make it appear that he was in a snowy environment. Other students used a sun dress and sandals to depict a sunny breezy day, a photo of overshoes to depict a rainy day, and peaches to suggest warmer days. I love this fun creativity!

My Comment:
Hi Bill, I love your post. It is very refreshing to see students being able to express creativity. I know it can be stressful for some students at first because we are used to supplying right or wrong answers. Once they get used to it, they will enjoy being able to think on their own. I am an education major, and I love getting new tips on creative lessons. I am struggling with thinking outside of the box. Your post is a wonderful example of thinking outside of the box.

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