Saturday, March 31, 2012

C4K Summary for March

Class 12's Blog

fishing village

My C4K for this month, was a post made by Georgie and Patrick. They wrote an intriguing story about all of the sights and sounds that were going on in a seaside town. Georgie and Patrick are excellent writers. I absolutely love their story. It was so descriptive that I could actually picture the seaside town so vividly in my mind. I am glad that I had a chance to read their story. It really showed me what great imagination kid's have. I will share a little piece of their story, and then you will want to read it for yourself!
The waves of the sea smashed against the bumpy rocks like TNT exploding. The wind blew the tarpaulin around the empty beach, the fisherman hadn’t tied it onto the boat properly. Every movement of a creature would be heard, the beach was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Then suddenly thousands upon thousands of people clambered onto the beach making it seem like it was a completely different place. Children’s laughter filled the salty air as seagulls gathered around to see what all the commotion was.

Did you feel like you were at the edge of the sea in a busy little town? I know I did.

My Comment To Georgie and Patrick
Georgie and Patrick,
Wow! I love your post. It is so descriptive that I can actually see the picture in my mind as I read the story. Have either of you spent much time at the beach? Your post has so much imagination and detail that makes the story wonderful and intriguing. Great Job! Keep writing.

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