Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Post # 9


Mr. Joe McClung, a third year teacher, has written a blog post at the end of every school year summarizing what he has learned as a new teacher. He has given us education students, as well as, all others in education some very good practical advice. It is great that he has taken the time to help us future teachers and other educators. This is a creative and useful idea. There is something in his post that each of us can use.

In the What Ive Learned this Year 2008-2009 post, Mr McClung noted that he did not know what to expect from being a teacher. I can relate to that because I am still just a student, and the actual job of being a teacher is a big unknown to me. He also wrote in his blog that he had grown and matured greatly over the course of his first year. I imagine that will be true for most of us, as well. Some of the other topics that he talked about, were making lessons student focused, being flexible, being reasonable, communication, and not being afraid of technology. Mr. McClung learned that no lesson will be perfect, and that what you plan to teach may often differ from what you actually end up teaching. Just from being a parent, I have learned that flexibility is very important. The things that you plan and the things that you do are almost always different. I had to realize that my focus was on my daughters and not on my own ideas and plans. He also said that we need to be reasonable when we set expectations for our students. Sometimes they reach them and sometimes they don't. According to Mr. McClung, communication is the best way to solve any problems in the work place. Communication is not one of my strong points. He also wrote in his post that we should not be afraid to use technology.
"Grown adults everywhere are afraid of computers like it's a bad horror film and computers are trying to take over the world."
I have family members who still feel this way. I think it is so funny how they use all of this technology in their everyday lives, but they think a computer is "bad". Mr. McClung also reminded us to never stop learning and always listen to our students. I think it is so great that Mr. McClung gave us all of this great advice from his first year of teaching. I know this will help me get off to a better start.

Three years later, Mr McClung wrote What I've Learned This Year. This blog post is the one that I find most relevant to me. His experience really shows in his blog post this time. I relate to this post a little more, maybe because of my age. I am 35, which is quite a bit older than most of my classmates. I have been in the workforce, whereas; many of my classmates are just starting out.I am also a parent, and I believe that being a good parent requires some of the similar skills that a teacher must have.

In this post, Mr McClung discusses topics such as knowing who your boss is, not expecting others to be as excited as you are, not to be afraid to be an outsider, don't touch the keyboard, and don't get too comfortable. He noted the importance of remembering that we must stay student centered. It is a difficult task to stay student centered while pleasing other people. If we have to choose between pleasing others and being focused on our students, then we should definitely choose to stay focused on the students. Mr. McClung also reminds us that others may not be as excited as we are about change. Have you ever been in a class where students are on their Facebook or they are just talking negative about the class? I know for myself, I am at college to learn as much as I can. I am passionate about learning and doing my best as often as possible. It is difficult when your peers mistake that passion for being geeky or an over achiever with what they call "no life". I have a life that includes a husband, two children,family members, a business, and many other aspects. This does not mean that I cannot do my best or be excited about learning. His next topic, don't be afraid to be an outsider, is related to this, as well. I substitute at my daughter's school, and I am the only teacher who sits with the students at lunch. I relate to them well, and I feel like I get more time to get to know the students better. I have seen the looks that I get from other teachers in the cafeteria. When I read the part in Mr. McClung's post about not touching the key board, I knew that I needed to work on that. I am so bad at that with my two daughters. I just want to do it for them. I know that the goal is for them to learn, but I just want to help them. One of the last thing's Mr. McClung discusses is about not getting too comfortable. I hope I will have his ambition to keep moving forward.

Mr. McClung's end of the year reflections are certainly beneficial. I am appreciative that he took the the time to pass on his experiences with future educators. I know that I have learned several things from his post, and hopefully I will be able to use his advice to be an effective teacher. It is great to have the perspective of a first year teacher, and to also have the benefit of the learned experiences through the third year.This was a great idea, and learning experience.

classroom of students

C4K Summary for March

Class 12's Blog

fishing village

My C4K for this month, was a post made by Georgie and Patrick. They wrote an intriguing story about all of the sights and sounds that were going on in a seaside town. Georgie and Patrick are excellent writers. I absolutely love their story. It was so descriptive that I could actually picture the seaside town so vividly in my mind. I am glad that I had a chance to read their story. It really showed me what great imagination kid's have. I will share a little piece of their story, and then you will want to read it for yourself!
The waves of the sea smashed against the bumpy rocks like TNT exploding. The wind blew the tarpaulin around the empty beach, the fisherman hadn’t tied it onto the boat properly. Every movement of a creature would be heard, the beach was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Then suddenly thousands upon thousands of people clambered onto the beach making it seem like it was a completely different place. Children’s laughter filled the salty air as seagulls gathered around to see what all the commotion was.

Did you feel like you were at the edge of the sea in a busy little town? I know I did.

My Comment To Georgie and Patrick
Georgie and Patrick,
Wow! I love your post. It is so descriptive that I can actually see the picture in my mind as I read the story. Have either of you spent much time at the beach? Your post has so much imagination and detail that makes the story wonderful and intriguing. Great Job! Keep writing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

C4T #3 Summary

technology and education

DML Central Digital Media and Learning: The Power of Participation
DML Central is a website with a compilation of research blogs, websites, publications, and annual conferences. Basically, it is a collaborative blog and collection of free resources that are provided by the digital media and learning research hub. Their purpose is to analyze and interpret the impact of digital media on education, public, and youth. The research is aimed at investigating ways that digital learning is effecting the learning environment, social institutions, and the younger culture.

What Tech Wants a People Agenda
The first blog post that I commented on, was What Tech Wants: A people agenda by Monika Hardy. Monika gave us examples of what technology wants from people. For example, communication, sharing ideas,and being connected locally and globally. Technology is exposing love and sharing ideas because what we have to offer is of extreme value.
We get to decide what tech wants. We are the people after all. We can spend our days debating good vs evil. Or, we can spend our days choosing good. We can start by unpacking a quiet revolution:
Monika also talks about an upcoming TEDx conference featuring Deb Roy, Chamamanda Adiche, and Bunker Roy. Thee three videos with the speakers are included. They are certainly worth the time to watch.

My comment to Monika Hardy
Hi Monika, My name is Stephanie Hogue. I am an Education major at the University of South Alabama, and I am taking a technology course called EDM310. One of our projects is to read and comment on an assigned blog, comment again a week later, and then post a summary on our  class blog. I really like your blog post. I read it several times to get a better understanding. I love that technology fosters communication. I have experienced a new kind of sharing ideas and opinions through my EDM310 class. It has made me do much more self reflection. I have had to dig much deeper into my own personal ideas, thoughts,feelings,and opinions. I have learned so much from others. I have found that people are so much more willing to share ideas than I had originally thought. Creativity is encouraged and embraced. I also watched the videos for the upcoming TEDx. I was impressed by what I learned. Each of the three videos taught me something new. Thanks for sharing!

The Role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education
The role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education, by Lyndsay Grant, is a blog post discussing the frustration about the slow pace of technological change in education. Lyndsay suggest that we should be considering how and why technology is coming to be used or not used in the first place.She also notes, that we need to be supporting and encouraging teachers to use technology more often in a variety of ways. Schools continuously block all types of social media that kids are using at home. Lyndsay also indicated that lack of creative imagination is also to blame for teachers not making use of technological resources. Even with the adoption of interactive whiteboards, it still feels like technology is mostly nonexistent. Many teachers are just using the interactive white boards just as they did the old blackboards. In a nutshell, we need to realize that education is at the heart of this matter, and we need to encourage and support to teachers in order to facilitate change.

My Comment to Lyndsay Grant
Hi Lyndsay, I am an education student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a technology course called EDM310. I enjoyed reading your post. I agree that the slow pace at which technology is progressing in the classroom can be frustrating. Before I started taking EDM310, I had absolutely no idea how much technology can and is contributing to education. It took this course to convince me of how beneficial technology is to the learning process.I believe teachers need to be convinced that technology makes the learning process much more effective. If teachers are convinced, they may be on board, as well as, leading in technological advances in education. Thanks for sharing!

earth technology

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Post # 8


This is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
“Man is a genius when he is dreaming.”
― Akira Kurosawa

Dr. Richard E Miller, a professor at Rutgers University, emphasizes the changes that have been taking place in education, and that there are more changes to come. In his 2008 lecture he basically introduced the idea that society is at a turning point where libraries will possibly become obsolete, and the web is quickly replacing printed books and newspapers. According to Dr. Miller, these events are happening incrementally and fundamentally.

According to Dr. Miller, an incremental aspect of the web replacing print is just as simple as people carrying around their lap tops instead of printed books. I know that is what I do for the most part. I do have a love for books, but when I need information for a research report or just to know, I go straight to the web. He noted the fact that the web is full of invaluable resources, thoughts,reflections,ideas, information, and so much more. It is basically a living, changing, and collaborative book. Dr. miller described an aspect of the web that has been a part of the incremental move from print to the web. The web is easier to use for collaboration than the library. It has sound and visual, as well as, text. People can bring together a collection of experiences for web viewers. Basically, the web has much to offer that print does not offer.

Dr. miller also indicated that there have been fundamental changes for the web, as well. The fact that information changes before our eyes, the success of academic lectures, and collaborative abilities have all been a part of the fundamental change. Dr. Miller also noted that ideas are not ours to keep as individuals, moreover; they belong to everyone and our culture. I agree with Dr. Miller. Ideas should be shared. I have never been exposed to so much freely shared information until I was in EDM310. I have been surprised and appreciative, at the same time, for all of the freely shared resources and information that I have been exposed to on the web.

Dr. Miller believes that we have not yet begun to deal with this kind of pedagogy that he talks about in his lecture. I agree with him. I think many teachers have not realized how much education is changing or how quickly it is changing. Dr Miller also believes that we are only limited or restricted by our own selves. I too put limits on myself. I think that the web causes us to routinely do self reflection. I know that I have grown through the self reflection that I have been doing during the course of the past few months. Dr. Miller's lecture has definitely given us something to think about.


Carly Pugh's Blog Post Assignment # 12
Carly Pugh's blog post assignment was to create an assignment that she felt was important or good enough that Dr. Strange should have assigned it to the class. Carly Pugh's blog post well surpassed my expectations for her assignment. Wow!. Miss Pugh is an excellent writer. I love how she combined creativity with real educational issues. The video playlist was so neat. This was a great idea. She certainly spent much time and thought putting her assignment together.

Miss Pugh's blog post is much like Dr. Miller's How To Dream Part 1 and 2 video on writing multimedia. She basically did just as he implied. She gathered sources with visual and auditory to go along with her text. She composed a collection of experiences and ideas from the web. Her post was definitely inspiring.

edm310 for dummies

The Chipper Series EDM310 for Dummies and EDM310 is Different

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies, are videos that help new EDM310 students understand what is required of them, and it shows some mistakes that they should avoid. These two videos are great. I like how EDM310 for Dummies starts out with the students being so frustrated because they have little to no idea what the technology terms are or how to complete the assignments. I felt exactly this way. I was apprehensive because I had never been in a class with this type of structure and learning. Later in the video, they are excited about what they have learned and accomplished. I can relate to this, as well. My apprehension quickly turned into joy and excitement once I realized how much I was learning. The Chipper Series is about procrastination, attending class, and getting as much as you can from EDM310. It outlines many mistakes that should and can be avoided.

I think a good video for new students in EDM310 would be a video that shows lab assistants helping students with assignments. This could help new students feel like they will not be alone when they enter this new world of learning. After all, it is so different from what we have been exposed to most of our lives.

moon and stars

Learn To Change, Change To Learn
Learn To Change,Change to Learn is a 2008 video by Pearson Foundation that discusses the need for a major change in our current education system. According to the video, their is not near enough stimuli in today's classrooms.Students are exposed to so much rich stimuli outside of the school, but very little inside of the school. Cell phones, computers, and other technology is almost non existent inside of the schools, but in the real world they are everywhere around us. How can we educate our children for the world today if don't allow them to be learn with and through technology?

We need a major shift in our education system. Basically, standardized testing has taken over the way we educate children today. I put my daughter in a private school partly because I feel so strongly against standardized testing. I don't believe children are able to learn the skills that they need for the real world if we mostly just teach to the test. Standardized testing doesn't allow students to be creative, think divergently, or collaborate with other students. It doesn't actually allow them to test out what they have learned.

I do believe that we still need the brick and mortar school. I think that children should have a safe environment to all come together and learn. I agree with many aspects in this video. Teachers do need to be given the tools and the ability to integrate as much technology as possible int the classrooms. Technology is not really a choice anymore. It is a major part of students lives at home, and it should be in school, as well.  It is time for a shift in the academic experience.

scavenger hunt

The Scavenger Hunt Begins...

First stop on the scavenger Hunt
The first part of our assignment was to locate a tool on Web 2.0 Tools that is similar to Twitter/ Facebook that could be used as a social platform for teachers, parents, and students.There were a few to choose from, but I chose Edmodo. I set up an account for  a teacher, per assignment. It is so great. I had no idea that there are tools like this out there for teachers, parents, and students to be able to use. By the way, this tool is free!

There are so ways that this tool can be used in education. It is a collaborative tool. The teacher can add his or her own content. It can have groups, so that it can be shared with the class and parents. The teacher can post assignments and due dates. Students can take their quizzes with this tool. Videos can be uploaded. Teachers can connect with other teachers. You can send alerts for upcoming assignment due dates. Student's work can be graded and viewed by the student online. There are so many ways this tool can be used.

As a teacher, I would love this tool because it is collaborative. I would add my own content. I love that it has a calendar for students to be able to see their upcoming assignments. I think the part where you can ask a question and each student can answer is useful. Students can see all of their classmates answers, therefore; it can facilitate a better understanding of the topic through their peers answers. I like positive reinforcement, so being able to send a badge is great. I would use this tool to communicate with parents because I believe that parent teacher communication is important. This tool can be used in so many ways to incorporate technology into the classroom.

Second Stop on thew scavenger hunt
I think the web 2.0 was created by using the tool Prezi. Prezi can be found in presentation tools. It is a great tool for students. You can create a presentation that is collaborative. It seems to be easy to use. Prezi is free for students, but they have a pricing scale for privacy features if you need them.

Third stop on scavenger hunt
Make a comix strip.
Making a comic strip was so much fun. My daughter helped me with mine. Then, she made some of her own!

Fourth stop on scavenger hunt
 We were supposed to find a video tool that we have never used. I chose Animoto. It has many features.  With Animoto, you can create videos from your photos, video clips, and music.The videos are easy to share. You can share them on social networking sites such as You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, and Picasa.You can create your own unique styles by choosing different backgrounds, effects, and themes. Animoto has a library of music, and you can also upload your own MP3. Animoto is high definition, and it has  an APP for i Phone users.

Fifth stop on scavenger hunt
Create A Poll Everywhere Which is found under mobile tools.
Create interactive meetings at Poll Everywhere

This scavenger hunt that was suggested by Justin Cometti was fun. It is a great idea for teachers to use in their classrooms.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Poject 9-B Timetoast Timeline

Blog Post # 7


The Networked Student

 “I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”
Robert Frost

I just have to say that the video,The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler, is very cute. Aside from the fact that it is cute and interesting, it has an important message for teachers in the 21st century. This video is basically an instruction manual or model for how teachers should be educating students today. The networked student video, exemplifies the importance of a personal learning network to every student's future. It also imparts the importance of a teacher as a learning facilitator and guide. This video describes an educational environment that is much like EDM310.

During this video, an important question is asked. Why does the networked student even need a teacher? The answer to this question was also given. According to the video, the teacher is still very much needed. At first, I thought maybe the video implied that students would no longer need a teacher. I was thinking that the video would suggest that the teacher has very little to offer, considering the amount of information that a student has access to through their personal learning network. This is not the case. The video did not suggest that at all. This video actually highlighted the necessity of a teacher in today's classroom. In the video, the teacher is the learning architect, modeler, learning concierge, network sherpa, synthesizer, and connected learning incubator. The teacher will show students how to build a personal learning network and how to take advantage of the opportunities available.

I really like many aspects of this approach. I think it should be blended in with other aspects of education. I love that it requires a more student centered, non traditional, classroom experience. This type of instruction allows the students to ask their own questions and come up with their own answers. I believe many teachers do not allow students to think in a divergent manner. Students would have a better connection with education if they were taught like The Networked Student Video suggests. They would also be much more prepared for their future, especially in regards to employment. This video does not discount the importance of teachers,however; it is implying that they should teach in a different way. From my own personal experience, I love this approach so much more than the traditional approach. I have found that I enjoy my EDM310 class much more than my other classes. This is exactly opposite of how I expected to feel. I hope to see this type of instruction blended in to education.

twitter button

Thank You Tweet to Wendy Drexler
I sent a thank you tweet to Wendy Drexler. This video gives a wonderful example of  the role of a 21st century teacher.


A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment
I have never seen anything like this Personal Learning Environment before taking EDM310. This particular student's PLE is very impressive. My personal Learning Network is not nearly as advanced or organized as hers. This students  PLE is a great example to learn from. It is very neat that her teacher, Mrs. Wendy Drexler, gave the students this assignment.

PLN report for Project # 10
I have started organizing my PLN. I did not know how beneficial a PLN can be, before this assignment. I am using Symbaloo, and it is a great way to organize all of my information in one place. The assignments in this class have given me quite a few educational resources to learn and get information from. Twitter has been useful for creating a PLN, as well. The teachers' blogs are wonderful places to get education instruction and information.

Monday, March 5, 2012

C4T # 2 Project #3

Summary of Comments for Teachers # 2

Comment # 1

For my C4T #2, I was assigned to comment on Bill Genereux's Blog. Bill Genereux is an assistant professor at Kansas State University. He teaches courses in Web development,networking, computer programming, and digital media technologies. His most recent blog post was titled Don't Shoot Your Kids Laptop. Basically, Bill did not agree with the actions of the man who shot his daughter's computer for her disrespectful face book post. His argument is that we need to prepare children before we allow them to use any type of social media. According to Bill, we would never allow our children to drive a car without instruction. Therefore, we should also provide them with media literacy because there are also consequences that come from being technologically illiterate. He even made a video, starring his son, where his young son was driving a car without previous instruction. It was rather cute.

My Comment:
Hi, My name is Stephanie Hogue. I am an Elementary Education student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a technology course called EDM 310 with Dr. Strange. As part of my blog assignments, I am supposed to comment on a specified teacher’s blog twice, and then post a summary of the comment on my blog in two weeks. First, I would like to say that I love the video. It is so cute and true. Of course, we wouldn’t let our children drive a car without teaching them how to operate it first. I watched the video where the dad shot his daughter’s laptop for her disrespectful face book post. At first, I was somewhat ambiguous about his response to her post. I was kind of shocked, but I understood that he would be upset. I am a mother of two girls, and I learned a long time ago, to not take everything children do and say personally. I think the praise that he did receive was due to the fact that he did something, rather than nothing. I definitely agree that he could have handled this situation differently. He acted on his emotions and anger, rather than cooling down and teaching his daughter a better way to handle media technology. Your blog post certainly gave me something to think about concerning my six year old. I will be sure to take this parenting opportunity to teach her about media literacy. Thanks for your blog post. It gave me a new point of view on how important it is to teach children about media literacy.

Comment # 2
creative definition

Bill Genereaux's blog is so interesting. It is full of great ideas for teaching. The blog post that I commented on was titled Create Something New With The Daily Create. Bill loves The Daily Create. In Bill's digital media class, they have "Creative Friday" each week. He uses the Daily Create to make short creative assignments for photography. He emphasizes the create in creative photography. Therefore, he does not except past photographs. On this particular assignment, Bill had his students take a picture depicting their favorite kind of weather. Of course, they cannot change the weather, so they had to be creative. Bill put a sneaker in the freezer to make it appear that he was in a snowy environment. Other students used a sun dress and sandals to depict a sunny breezy day, a photo of overshoes to depict a rainy day, and peaches to suggest warmer days. I love this fun creativity!

My Comment:
Hi Bill, I love your post. It is very refreshing to see students being able to express creativity. I know it can be stressful for some students at first because we are used to supplying right or wrong answers. Once they get used to it, they will enjoy being able to think on their own. I am an education major, and I love getting new tips on creative lessons. I am struggling with thinking outside of the box. Your post is a wonderful example of thinking outside of the box.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog Post # 6

randy pausch

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
Randy Pausch made a few things pretty clear. He believed that fundamentals are very important, and that we should not get wrapped up in the tiny details. He also believed that constructive criticism is a good thing, so we should never take it as a bad thing. Dr.Pausch also let us know that teaching is a journey learning along the way, and that we should never lose our enthusiasm. He advised us to try harder and smarter when we run into obstacles, and an obstacle does not mean that it is the end unless we quit.

Although Dr. Rany Pausch's last lecture was actually for his children, he still gave the rest of the world so much great advice.There are so many things that Dr. Randy Pausch passed on to us, that are relevant to being a great teacher. Dr.Pausch reminded us to be careful of how we put our words to other people because we might stop someone from doing something great instead of helping them to achieve their goals. He told us to always challenge everyone to do better, no matter how good they have already done. He also warned us to not be concerned with naysayers and critics because they might stop us from doing something great. According to Dr. Pausch, we should always give credit to the people responsible for good ideas or work, and we should never take the credit for work that was done by someone else. He also let us know that we should learn how to critique ourselves along the way and apply what we learn. There is always room for improvement.

Dr. Randy Pausch also made it clear, that while we should not disrespect rules or people in authority, we shouldn't be afraid to properly question them. He told us to never be afraid to learn from the students. They have a fresh new perspective that may add something wonderful to a project. According to Dr. Pausch, when we come to class we should be excited about what we are going to teach. Enthusiasm is contagious. He reminded us to always be willing to help others no matter what that entails. Dr. Pausch said to always be fair to your students because it is the right thing to do. It will make you a better person.

He also makes it clear that no one is a super hero, and that everyone needs help. The best ways to get this help is to be honest and fair to other people. Be sincere, not fake, and remember that everything is not about ourselves. Dr. Pausch warns us if we do something wrong than just admit it, and give a sincere apology. When you get help, let the ones who helped you know that you appreciate them. If things get really difficult, don't complain, just work harder and smarter. According to Dr. Pausch, whatever it is you decide to do, do it to the best of your ability. He says to look for and focus on people's strong points and their best attributes. Don't focus on their weaknesses because it will only bring them discouragement.

disney imagineering

It is very easy to see how Dr. Randy Pausch was a great teacher. He genuinely cared about people. He believed in being just and fair. He had an open mind, and he was able to teach intuitively. He was smart to teach what he loved and enjoyed. One of the aspects that made him exceptional, is that he never quit. If he encountered a problem, he did whatever was necessary to overcome the obstacle.  He persued his dreams with passion and dedication. This blog post assignment was well worth the time, especially since we continue to learn from Dr. Randy Pausch.

C4K Summary for February

comments for kids

Reading students' blogs is so neat! I really liked being able to see what some of their classes are doing. The class blogs look like so much fun. I think that it is so great that they are learning so  much, and they are having fun at the same time.

Angel's Blog
The first blog that I commented on was Angel's Blog. This blog has interesting music. I didn't even know that you could put music on your blog. Angel's blog post was titled My Wish List. He had a few of his friends wishes listed, and he had his wish listed,as well. Angel's wish, was to be a member of an adventure quest. I think that is so cool. I love the imagination of kids.

My comment to Angel: I really like your class blog. The music is definitely a plus. I have not figured out how to put music on my class blog yet, but after seeing yours I know I need to work on this. Your post is interesting. I love that you show a good imagination. I want to be an explorer on a warm sunny tropical island!

Allison's Blog
My second c4k assignment was to comment on Allison's Blog. Allison was preparing to have a sleepover with her cousin. Her cousin is a college student, and she was only going to be home for a short time. Allison missed spending time with her cousin, and she was looking forward to all the things they were going to do at their sleepover.

My comment to Allison: Hi Allison, My name is Stephanie Hogue. I am a college student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a technology course called EDM310. I am just getting started at learning how to blog, so you are probably way more advanced than I am. I think it is great that you are going to spend time with your cousin. When I was younger, I had much fun with my cousins. We also fixed each others hair. We liked to paint our nails, and dress up, as well. Another thing we liked to do, was make a tent out of blankets and sheets. My aunt sometimes helped us because it was hard to get it to stay in place. I hope the two of you have a great time!

Emily's Blog

My third c4k assignment was to comment on Emily's blog post. Emily's post was about the Pont Des Arts bridge in Paris. She gave a nice description and a picture of the bridge.This bridge is covered with many different locks of all shapes, colors, and sizes. They were put on the bridge by visitors, who hope to find their lock when they return.I had never heard of this bridge before, so it was very interesting.

My comment to Emily:Hi Emily, I am a student at the University of South Alabama, and I am taking a technology class called EDM310. My class is learning how to blog. I can see that you already have experience blogging. So far, blogging has been so much fun. Your blog post is a great geography lesson for me. I have never seen or heard of Pont Des Arts Bridge before I saw it on your post. This bridge is very interesting. Have you ever been to Paris? I have not, but I would love to go someday. Thanks for the interesting post!

Molly's Blog
My fourth c4k assignment was to comment on Molly's Blog. Molly is a tenth grader. Her blog is for a Modern World History Survey class. Her class starts with the Columbian exchange, and it ends with WWI. Her post was titled, Free Research Day; Vikings. She had a very informative post about the vikings. I learned some new things from Emily's post. I love history, so this was especially fun.

My comment to Molly: Hi Molly, My name is Stephanie Hogue. I am an Elementary Education student at the University of South Alabama. I am enrolled in a technology course called EDM310. I have only been blogging since January of this year. I think it is really neat that your History class uses a class blog. I enjoyed reading your post. I love history, and I have actually taken several more history classes than I need for my major. I learned several new things from your post. I did not know that swords were too expensive for most Viking soldiers. I just imagined that every Viking carried a sword. I also did not know that they didn't have a typical hierarchy of military officers.It seems like it would have been difficult to go to war without leaders. Learning new things every day is part of what makes blogging so neat! Thanks for the great post, and Good luck with your History class!

Special C4K Assignment

Our special C4K assignment from the class blog, was to watch a video and leave a comment for Lauren. I loved the video that Lauren made to show how well she understood the customary system. She did a great job on her video, and It really showed how well she understood the customary system. It was creative and well planned. Lauren's video had variety, which made it entertaining. After watching this video, I had more confidence. I realized that I had better catch up with students of this age, before I am ready to teach them.

My comment to Lauren: Hi Lauren, your video is impressive. It really conveyed how well you understand the customary system. I am a student at the University of South Alabama, and I am not  nearly as advanced as you are with technology. I love that your family helped you make your video. Having family support is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your video. It inspired me to be more creative.