Monday, January 30, 2012

Post # 2

Did You Know? 3.0- A John Strange 2012 Version
Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version
I enjoyed watching the video Did You Know? 3.0- A John Strange 2012 version. For me, it was very informational. I did not expect to be so surprised about how quickly technology is actually advancing. Seeing the actual numbers of computer owners, text messages sent per day, and the number of Google searches really brought it home for me. Before watching the video, I thought that I was not really much of a participant of technology as many others. Now, I realize that I am more of a participant than I had originally thought. I cannot imagine my life today without a computer or maybe even a cell phone. Can you imagine not being able to do a search on Google? This video made me realize how much I actually depend on technology.

  As an Education major, this video also made me more aware of the importance of technology in schools. The video highlights the importance of preparing students for their future in the job market. As a future Educator, I definitely will have to increase my knowledge of technology. This video certainly has me taking notice of how fast technology is changing, and that I will have to be both an active learner and a continual learner in order to be an effective educator.

this is a picture of mr. winkle
Mr. Winkle Wakes By Mathew Needleman
Mr. Winkle Wakes

In the video Mr. winkle Wakes, Mr. Winkle awakes to find technology everywhere in the world around him except this one special place. The place that he found with little or no technology was actually in a school. Even though Mr. Winkle realizes that technology has made so many wonderful things possible, he is still more comfortable in a place where it seems nearly nonexistent. Sometimes, I feel like Mr. Winkle. I realized that I am outside of my comfort zone concerning technology because I am afraid of what I do not understand.

This video made me realize that I have to get on board with technology, so that I do not fail my students when I become an educator. I have to use more technology in order to become more familiar with technology. Honestly, I had not really made the correlation between the technology we use in the classroom and the technology that is used in our everyday lives. This is difficult to admit, but there was very little technology instruction when I was in grade school. My parents do not even own a computer now. You might think this is funny, but my grandmother even thinks having a computer in her home is like having something evil in her home. I believe this video also lets us know that we need more technology in schools, as well as, teachers who are technologically literate as possible. Well, I really had no idea that I could be anything like Mr. Winkle, but at least I figured it out now rather than later. I certainly do not want to be the teacher in the classroom where Mr. Winkle has to go to escape technology.

The Importance of Creativity: Ken Robinson
The Importance of Creativity

This video highlights the fact that Education is actually squashing creativity in children. By the time they become adults they are afraid to try new and different things because they do not want to be wrong. According to Ken Robinson, the education system only nourishes one side of the brain. If a student is active in the classroom, they will most likely be put on medication. If a person's talent is not valued while they are still young, they may lose that talent over time. In a nutshell, Ken shows us how the education system is basically in academic inflation, and that creativity and original ideas have very little value in the education system today.
This video raises an issue that is important to me both as a mother and an Education student. As a parent I am constantly wondering if my daughter's teacher is squashing her creativity. At home I try to counteract the effects her teacher may be having on her creativity. My daughter's Kindergarten teacher seemed very literal to me. For example, If they were coloring a banana it had to be yellow. At home, I encourage her to color things however she would like. I try to encourage her not to be afraid to try new things. In schools today, children are required to sit in their desks for the most part of their day, while listening to lectures. They are pretty much required to be quiet most of the day. During my field experience, I went to a school where the children were quiet in the class, in the hall, and in the cafeteria. One student was working diligently on her assignment while standing at her desk, and the teacher made her sit down. I felt like it was alright for her to stand as long as she was working on her assignment. I believe children need to move around and at least be able to talk to each other in the cafeteria. The cafeteria at this school was like a library. I hope I do not lose sight of this when I become a teacher.

A Vision for 21st Century Learning Video
A Vision for 21st Century Learning

The main arguments in a vision for 21st century learning seem to be that it offers different stimuli to education than have been offered previously. It is an alternative to sitting in front of lectures and memorizing facts. It could help provide global awareness of technology. According to the video, it can better prepare students for the world and workplace. The video accentuates the fact that kids will not even realize they are learning something.

I believe that the video, A Vision for 21st Century Learning, shows that it has some good qualities. I like that it is interactive. Because children learn differently, they could all benefit from this type of education. The video does make learning look like fun for children. It appears to cover most learning styles. I feel like it could be a valuable tool, but in my opinion is not as valuable as having a teacher. Children benefit from their teachers' experiences. Having caring effective teachers is important to education. Education is not just about learning facts. Education is also about being able to apply what is learned to real world practical experiences. Interactions with teachers and peers, participation in classroom activities, and opportunities to apply knowledge in practical situations are important elements of education. Children need that personal time with a positive role model in order to receive a well balanced education.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts Video
Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts

This video of these students learning and working with different aspects of technology and with other students around the world is impressive. I believe the students in this class will have a much better chance for success in the job market. I like that they have a broader learning experience than just pencil and paper approaches. The students in this video seemed eager to learn.

This video is definitely informational for any Educator or Education student like myself. One of the things that I learned was how Viki Davis is constantly customizing the class material. It was good to hear that it is alright that we do not know everything. The students in this class were learning things that I have never even seen. They were collaborating with other students around the world. I like how she was teaching them to brainstorm and learn terms on their own. They will already know how to be independent self learners before they get to college. I wish that I had been a part of a class like this at an early age. This video was educational for me. It helped me in understanding more ways that technology can be used effectively in the classroom.


  1. Hi Stephanie, I am glad to know I am not the only one that is afraid of technology sometimes. All of the articles and videos that we were required to watch, have shown me a different side of teaching. I always knew that I wanted to be creative in my classroom and make things eventful, but the things I see in classrooms, like Mrs. Davis, just amaze me. Those kids know more about technology than I do.

    My grandparents were quiet like yours when all the hype about computers came into play. I showed them a couple of things that would be easier if they were on a computer, and now they both own laptops. It's amazing how even the simplest task can be made simpler in one click. Have you ever attempted showing your grandmother all the things a computer can do? Try to show her all the things that she can accomplish.

  2. Stephanie,

    Great blog post! Keep up the wonderful work!

